Contracts signed, school board appointed for Kwiyagat Community Academy

Progress continues on a Ute Mountain Ute charter school that will open in Towaoc this year.

The Kwiyagat Community Academy will provide kindergarten and first grade instruction for 30 students beginning in August, with a goal of adding additional grades in the future. Kwiyagat means “bear” in the Ute language.

The school recently launched its website at and is accepting enrollment applications for its inaugural year.

On Jan. 19, the charter contract for the school was approved by the Charter School Institute. The Ute Mountain Ute Tribal Council gave its approval Jan. 27.

Kwiyagat Community Academy is a partnership between CSI and the Ute Mountain Tribe. It is the first public charter school on an Indian reservation in Colorado.

Opening a charter school on tribal lands has been a longtime goal of the tribe, officials said.

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