Charter school brings new opportunities for students in Towaoc

More than 500 Ute Mountain Ute students are bused each morning to schools in the Montezuma-Cortez School District. But the tribe is creating a charter school on the reservation, where Utes from across the district may be immersed in culture-based learning.

When COVID-19 forced classes online across the U.S., the gap between education access in urban and rural areas became evident – many rural students struggled to access the internet to complete assignments. For Ute Mountain Utes, COVID-19’s impact on education and travel showed how important it was for the tribe to build a school in their community for their community.

But last month, the Colorado legislature cut $621 million in education spending after COVID-19 lowered tax revenue. If less money flows from the state to Montezuma-Cortez schools and surrounding districts, it could mean less funding for the new school – called the Kwiyagat (“Bear”) Community Academy – even though the school is entitled to Title XI and Title I funds from the federal government as a tribal entity.

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